Corporate intranet applications such as CRM systems, information portals and internal directories can offer tremendous promise. These applications can be anything … they can do anything.
Do you have a complex business problem - you can make an app for that!
By neglecting this potential, many organizations set their standards too low when it comes to internal applications. Far too often shortcomings are met with make-shift work arounds in order to ‘just get the job done.’ Companies should not accept mediocrity simply because an application lives on its intranet rather than on the internet.
Would you accept a suit sized too large in the shoulders and too narrow in the hips from your tailor simply because your clients were not going to see you wear it? Custom intranet applications should adapt to the way your company does business not the other way around.
Some applications prove difficult to use because they have been burdened by contradictory decisions offered by a variety of stake-holders during the development process. Appointing a singular department as project lead and adhering to a clear primary project goal are important to staying on budget and delivering a winning application.
Be a broken record (if you have to be), relentlessly questioning each feature or change request, asking “Does this change move us toward our goal? Does it help? Does it hinder?”
Novocent helps you connect with customers by creating the building blocks of communication. We work to articulate the intangibles that differentiate your organization and can transform that messaging into actionable projects like:
Are we a ‘good fit’ for your team? Toss us a small project and let’s find out.